List Of Weight Loss and Health and Wellness Sites

Listing of weight loss websites of people I know and some of my personal websites. Each one is different and covers weight loss a little differently.

1. Truvision - Website about weight loss products plus how to get into the weight loss business. Find out how to get started in the business plus the items needed to get started in the business. Business cards and brochures can get you off to a fast start if you pass them out to people you meet. This site also covers information about magnetic car signs and the importance of putting them on your car whenever possible.

2. Slim - This site is about becoming an Ambassador. The author has excerpts of each page on the homepage so it is easy to see all subject matter on one page. Find the story your interested and read. This site has subject matter added on a regular basis and talks about all of the products.

3. Pink Drink - How Slim got the name "The Pink Drink" for weight loss. Review of the The Pink Drink and how to use and take. One Pink Drink a day takes the fat away!

4. Weight Loss Guide - Over weight conditions are staggering and at epidemic proportions. This site goes on to explain ways you can make lifestyle changes that will make a difference in your over all weight condition over the long haul. Several small changes can add up to make a big difference in a years time span.  

5. Fast Relief - A group of sites that talk about pain relief. Fast relief and fast relief system will discuss a new product called ETArol as an active ingredient in creams and capsules. Many people like myself that find themselves over weight often have problems with pain. Join and back pain from carrying extra weight is one thing I feel is the problem. Other things include the lack of movement which causes stiffness in the body to set in.

More  weight loss sites will be added in the future along with health and wellness sites.